These Sustainable Design Features Improve Health, Productivity, and User Experience

Until about the last two decades, employers were not aware of how their businesses’ working environments affected workers’ health, comfort, productivity, and diligence. It’s now well-known that both office health and safety, as well as the overall attractiveness of the working area, are key factors in employee satisfaction and output. As an employer or a building owner, you may be wondering how you can create an office that is optimum for health, productivity and user experience. Here, gathered from our expert office designers are the main features you need to consider.

  • Natural Light and Views 
There are few things more likely to depress and demotivate office workers than an office environment that is lit only by artificial light sources and that has no windows or that has only limited views. It often doesn’t matter what the view is: nature is best, but even a cityscape or a carefully nurtured garden would be enough to keep people happy. Windows and skylights should be strategically positioned to allow the most natural light for as many hours in a day as possible. The arrangement of workstations must be planned accordingly too.

  • Good Quality and Quantity of Air
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is possibly the most important factor in the creation of a decent office space. Many offices are completely shut off from exterior air, except through air conditioning systems, which may carry high concentrations of dust, dirt, microbes, and other contaminants. New approaches to office design are changing that. The trend now is to increase the ventilation of exterior air. In addition to this, you should fill your office space with furniture and appliances created with materials that minimize toxic ingredients and off-gassing. Select your furniture, carpets, and mats with care, making sure that you use only high-quality non-toxic materials. The same goes for cleaning materials. At BE Furniture, we can put together the perfect, health-sustaining office space that completely excludes unhealthy elements.

  • Temperature Control 
An office space that veers between temperature extremes, or is consistently too hot or too cold, can have a disastrous effect on employee motivation and productivity. Make sure that you have a temperature control system that maintains a constant, comfortable temperature that can be adjusted with the change in seasons.

  • Opt for Collaborative Furniture 
The days of formal rows of box-shaped cubicles, which once made up the stereotypical view of office spaces, are gone. Employers are increasingly choosing to create collaborative workspaces that remove the air of formality, keep employees more relaxed and open to their colleagues and generally make them feel like they are working in a pleasant space for an appreciative company. This invariably results in a better flow of ideas and better output.

Contact us to discuss your office and how we can make it even better.


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