Why Performance Evaluations Have to Take Place in Person

It’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for performance evaluations. Whether that means rewarding team members that are performing above standards or discussing what has to change, ensuring your team is operating to its full potential is absolutely necessary for any business. While many believe these evaluations can be conducted successfully online, there are indisputable reasons why a face-to-face meeting is the way to go. In this article, our office design specialists in NJ will discuss why end-of-year performance evaluations should happen in the workplace – as well as how to create the optimal setting for these reviews to take place. 

Scheduled face-to-face interaction shows each team member that they are a priority

In the world of daily Zoom meetings, having yet another Zoom call for a performance review can definitely feel less meaningful. Especially if you are one that usually keeps your camera off. Planning to meet in person sets a more professional tone. Think about it, if your team members have a flex work arrangement – this performance evaluation meeting will not be like the days when they are working from home. This in-person meeting is an opportunity to put their best foot forward in terms of appearance, conversation and presentation. They have the floor to show you why they continue to be an asset to your organization. 

Better gauge of each team member’s feelings

A lot can be hidden over the phone, and we don’t mean this in a malicious way whatsoever. There is just a big difference between the impression you receive over the phone versus how you feel leaving an in-person conversation. When you talk to someone in person, there are a few levels to the conversation. You’re hearing what they say, while also gauging how they truly feel from body language and facial expressions. Engagement is also higher during face-to-face interactions versus phone calls because you are eliminating external distractions. A meeting between you and your employee in a private office will make you both really focus on the conversation at hand – which will prove most helpful for the continued success of your company.

Creating the optimal work space for end-of-year performance evaluations

While many businesses have opted for an open plan layout in recent years, it’s still important to still have some rooms in your space that offer privacy. Whether it’s a conference room or an executive office, it’s important to have a room set aside to discuss private matters with your employees or clients. Year-end performance reviews especially should be discussed one-on-one with each team member in a private space. This is so your team members feel more comfortable confiding in you about their aspirations and concerns regarding their job performance and even the performance of other team members. Fortunately, there are easy ways to update your private office rooms to ensure comfort, privacy and more efficient collaboration. 

The ideal space to conduct year-end performance evaluations should include some (if not all) of the following aspects: 

  • Collaborative office furniture pieces like lounge chairs with individualized desks attached to provide a more open, laid back approach. 
  • Ergonomic office chairs for supreme comfort and lumbar support.
  • Conference table to provide a more professional, sophisticated approach to meetings, that also serves as a statement piece for new clients
  • Office acoustics like wall panels, ceiling decor and even lighting that solve noise problems within the space.
  • Privacy booths if you do not have a private room within your office space. These booths have become way more evolved in recent years complete with comfortable booth seating, shared tabletop and privacy panels that separate team members from the rest of the office.

Designing modern, private conference rooms in NJ and BEyond

If you’d like to learn more about creating a progressive work space that includes developing private offices for year-end reviews, give BE Furniture a call today. Our in-house design specialists look forward to getting to know you, your business and your goals for the future – and incorporating each aspect into a comprehensive work environment that not only looks great, but is also designed to perform at full potential. Please visit our website to found out more about what BE can do for your office in the new year: https://www.befurniture.com/

The original blog is posted on - https://www.befurniture.com/why-performance-evaluations-have-to-take-place-in-person/


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