Stuck with your old office furniture?

Whether it’s to achieve a more modern look and feel, or to make your space more practical and efficient, redesigning your office is essential to creating a productive space where your people feel comfortable and excited to come to work. One of the best ways to redesign your office is with your furniture choices. But what about your old office furniture? Most of it is probably in fair condition, but it’s probably not right for the space you’re trying to achieve now. The good news is that there’s no need to throw it out or to worry about it going to waste!

Guilt-free, easy office furniture removal in NJ

BE Furniture offers an eco-friendly office furniture removal service where we remove old furniture and office fittings for recycling. Our team will evaluate your materials and furnishings, disassemble, and utilise the pieces for upcycling or the design and development of other office furniture. Thus making your office redesign environmentally friendly and low waste.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, a massive 8.5 million tons of office assets end up in our landfills! Much of this is custom furnishings that quickly outlive their usability and is then dumped. While our office design team believes customization is key to a great office environment, we actively take a stand against fast furnishings by building sustainability into our office furniture at every stage of the creative design and manufacturing process. This includes using recycled office materials in our process, including old desks, filing cabinets, bookshelves, carpeting, cubicle walls, and office chairs. We even prioritize alternative packing materials for new furnishings, properly disposing of Styrofoam and cardboard.

Your clients will love it too!

This service is important to us and our clients for two reasons – not only does it make the office redesign process guilt-free and reduce waste going into landfills, but it also supports sustainability efforts that your clients can’t get enough of.

Many of the businesses we work with already understand just how important sustainability and meaningful green initiatives are to their customers. After all, according to a large-scale survey from IBM in 2020, 80% of customers showed that sustainability was important to them, with 70% indicating they would be willing to pay a premium for goods and services from companies that demonstrated these values, and 57% saying they’d change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact.

A cutting-edge, custom office design will surely wow your clients and customers – but being able to say that you’ve actively supported sustainability throughout your redesign process is the cherry on top!

Making office redesigns and remodels greener in the tristate area

BE Furniture offers services to clients throughout the tristate area, specializing in custom and sustainable office designs, as well as office furniture removal and recycling. Our team will remove and recycle all your old office furniture, so you can feel even better about your new office space! We also offer furniture restoration to bring older furniture back to life and furniture storage if you aren’t ready to let go of that beautiful, wood veneer conference table yet.  Contact us today for the greenest office solutions in the tristate area and learn more about what we do at:

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