Four Generations Are Coming Together in Your Workplace

If you take a look around your office, you’ll likely notice that it’s a very different place to a few generations ago. Not only are teams more diverse in terms of gender and ethnicity, but they’re also very diverse in terms of age. In fact, we’re at a point where many organizations will see four different generations in the workplace. Here are some tips from our contemporary office furniture on how to help everyone get onto the same team. What are the Four Different Generations All About? While it’s important not to expect every person from each generation to fit the mold, it’s important to have a good idea of the general characteristics of each generation. Here is a brief summary: Baby Boomers: This includes people born from 1946 to 1964 and is the first generation to be known for prioritizing their work ethic. Face-to-face interaction is more important than tech, and they’re known for being competitive, driven, and single-minded. Genera...