Taking a Look Inside the New Bloomberg HQ

Bloomberg’s new HQ in London, designed by Norman Foster, was unveiled in October 2017 and is often touted as the world’s most sustainable office design. Located in the prestigious Square Mile, the building’s design and future mark a very real change in what commercial architecture means.

Awareness of its Place in London’s Flow, Society and History 

This project required two buildings to be removed from the site, namely Bucklersbury House and Temple Court. These buildings in many ways symbolized where commercial development used to be – from the shoddy removal of a Roman temple discovered on the building site to ignoring street patterns, breaking height restrictions and prioritizing parking space with little regard for pedestrians.

In contrast, the new buildings showcase the change in commercial architecture and design to something that fits comfortably into the city skyline while still fitting in an astonishing 1.1 million feet of workspace. It offers a restaurant-lined arcade for staff and the public, walkways that include a new square lined by sculpture and foliage by artist Cristina Iglesias. The Roman temple has been carefully moved back to its location as well, housed in a dedicated public museum in the double-height basement that is also home to over 14,000 items discovered during the build. Pedestrian traffic also has easy access to public transport, thanks to the new exit for the Bank Tube station.

The building is also renowned for its sustainability and energy efficiency, making use of several complex systems designed into the structure itself to maintain comfortable temperatures at minimal energy costs. It also harvests and utilizes rainfall, filtering it for building use in its own plumbing systems. The project increased its sustainability rating further by going local for much of its materials and systems, with almost 90% of the project’s cost being spent in the UK. Even the wall panels are woven with Yorkshire-sourced wool.

This building, from its foundations upwards, shows a new age of commercial architecture that is built on respect for the environment, for the people who work in it, the city it is located in and even the people who walk past it.

Modern Office Ideas Built the Workplaces of a Better Future 

BE Furniture is a full-service corporate office design, collaborative furniture and contemporary office furniture company, offering a wide range of environmentally-sensitive and innovative products and services for innovative boardrooms and contemporary office interiors. For more information, please contact us today or visit our website at https://www.befurniture.com/

Original content posted on https://www.befurniture.com/taking-look-inside-new-bloomberg-hq/


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