How to Ensure your Modern Office Workspace is a Cleaner Space

We may think that we are clean and tidy at work but even the most fastidious and obsessed people can have a dirty cubicle and desk. In fact, it is true that the desk that we work at could be one of the dirtiest, most unhygienic places we are exposed to. Recent studies have shown that the common modern office desk is dirtier than some toilet seats, sometimes containing up to 400 times more bacteria.
Unless an office desk is cleaned (preferably with a high quality disinfectant) on a daily basis, we are essentially inviting sickness and disease into our lives. The desk also has 100 times more bacteria than a kitchen table, and so therefore there is a serious issue here for us all to think about when we are sitting in our cubicles.

How to clean your modern office chair

There are a few steps to cleaning your modern office chair, but if you commit to doing it regularly and with the understanding that the chair is quite possibly one of the filthiest places on the planet, it all makes sense in the end.
For starters, you can make your own cleaning solution. It could easily be a high quality alternative to the commercial solutions on the market. Just mix up two teaspoons of washing liquid with one of water and then apply it to the chair. Be sure to wipe it down with a dry cloth beforehand to get rid of any dirt or dust, and then start cleaning. This stuff should do a great job.
If you want to do an even better job of getting rid of dust, vacuum the chair down beforehand.
A great tip in this regard is to choose automotive upholstery cleaner, the products they sell in car stores to clean the seats in your vehicle. This is excellent stuff, and should offer an even better result on your office chair. Don’t go crazy with it, but just dip your cloth and give the chair a good clean.
For the long run, if you spill anything, try and wipe it up immediately. This includes drinks like coffee. Don’t let them linger. And when it comes to crumbs, get rid of those as soon as possible. These not only become hard to find, but they will carry germs and get caught in the fabric.

How to clean a modern office desk

Clear the office desk first. Part of the problem here is that often your desk is cluttered. If you are looking at a desk that is full of ‘stuff’ then it is also full of dirt, dust and germs.
Once you have done this part, then grab a damp cloth and wipe it down. This way you are also preparing a surface that is not only dust free but also naturally cleaner. Choose a commercial cleaner that allows you to be certain that bacteria are removed. Some people recommend using kitchen cleaning solutions because these are designed to do just that. We agree. Clean thoroughly and ensure that every part of the desk has had the cleaning solution treatment.
Then polish the desk. This part is important because it makes you feel a whole lot better and it ensures that dust is kept at bay for that little while longer.
But let’s not beat around the bush here. The problem will always be clutter. Clutter houses dust and germs. So work on ensuring that your desk doesn’t have any stuff that shouldn’t be there, like yesterday’s sandwich for starters. But also folders and files that can be put somewhere else, or newspapers and magazines that really need to be thrown away. By having less clutter, you will invite less dust. And you’ll also give germs fewer hiding places.
To continue with the clutter-free approach, only have one thing on your desk at any one time in regards to current projects. Having numerous files there just means that things pile up. It is always important to have a focused approach to work anyway, but having one project there in the middle of the desk means that you have less to worry about, and less mess.
So there are some tips on generally rescuing your modern office space, and ensuring that you have a less cluttered, dust free working environment. It doesn’t take long to organize and should allow you to have a space that gets work done, without growing germs and making you miserable. Keep in mind, these are quick fix and daily maintenance tips/tricks only. The best way to ensure a healthy office environment with your office furniture is to have it properly cleaned 1-3x a year. Professional office furniture cleaning services like BE Furniture can provide the much needed deep clean the fabric on your office furniture needs.
It’s all about providing TLC to your office furniture investments that will give you the best ROI to a healthy office lifestyle!


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