
Showing posts from August, 2023

Dos and Don’ts of Team Meetings in the Office

  In our last blog, we made the case of how important face-to-face meetings still are for business. However, there is a right and wrong way to conduct and participate in these in-person office meetings. The space you choose to hold the meeting in could also heavily contribute to how well the set goals are accomplished. With this in mind, our team of modern office designers at BE Furniture in NJ will delve into the dos and don’ts of office meeting etiquette, along with tips on selecting the right area within your office for productive meetings. Do prepare an agenda. A well-prepared discussion plan is key for any successful meeting. Share it with participants in advance to ensure everyone knows the purpose, topics to be discussed, and the expected outcomes. This allows attendees to come prepared with relevant information and helps everyone stay on track during the meeting.  Don’t go off on tangents. To maximize productivity, it’s important to stay focused on the meeting a...

Why Your Office Still Needs a Conference Room

  Digital conferencing like Zoom has definitely taken over and made the case to stay since the pandemic hit. It is a great way to connect more immediately with people from all over the state, or even the country. However, nothing beats a face-to-face meeting with clients or members of your team. There is a more in-depth and lasting social connection that’s established in person, that just could not be replaced by technology – no matter how good it is. In this article, our team will take a closer look at why we still need physical spaces for conferencing in the office and how you can update your conference room to 2023 workspace standards.  The Power of In-Person Communication. While digital conferencing offers convenience, it lacks the depth and personal connection that comes with in-person meetings. Face-to-face interactions facilitate better understanding, trust, and collaboration among team members. They allow for non-verbal cues, body language, and nuanced expressions,...