Sit or Stand?

The debate between traditional sitting desks and standing desk has been raging for several years now, but we’re proud to say it’s been solved! The answer is a desk that allows you to do both, so employees can choose to sit, stand, or experience a combination of both throughout their day. And the best news is that providing desks with the option for employees to sit or stand can increase productivity in the workspace! Here are some of the benefits of sit or stand desks . #1 – Healthier employees The connection between health and productivity is a clear one, and it brings a lot of benefits to employees as well as your business. Sitting for long periods of time simply isn’t good for us. There are many scientific studies that have proven that sitting increases obesity, cancer, and heart disease risks, that it hurts our backs, reduces healthy circulation and diabetes risks, and even negatively impacts our mood. As a result, by having sit or stand desks, employees can spend more tim...