“Right Sizing” Your Office in a Post-COVID World

“As a manager of a technology team, I never supported the notion of working remotely.” That, according to Richard Casamento, former global program manager for the Intel Corporation. “I assumed people were about half as productive when they weren’t here.” Mr. Casamento isn’t alone in his sentiments. Prior to COVID, it was a challenge to get senior managers to embrace the idea that employees could be as, or more productive from home. But as COVID has taught us, workplaces are constantly evolving spaces. Their design and build are influenced by the changing needs of businesses, productivity trends and yes, occasionally far-reaching pandemic type events from the outside world. In 2021, Successful office designs will reflect the new awareness in the industry, that virtual work is possible and can be managed effectively. Every company will agonize over the balance between remote employee productivity, the desire to save money on office space, and the intangible lifestyle, creativ...