Get Input from Your Staff Before Implementing a New Office Design

Your employees are a fantastic resource for ideas when you’re considering an office remodel – after all, they use your space and support your brand every day! Here are some questions to ask your staff before your project begins, from our contemporary office design team . Does your workstation work for you? A workstation can make a job easier or much harder to do depending on its design. Asking this question will help make choosing workstations that improve productivity and benefit your employees. Do you have enough storage? Clutter is distracting, and a disorganized office is an unproductive one. By adding practical storage where it’s needed, you can make your office more productive and more efficient. Who do you need to communicate with most? This is about breaking silos and putting people into more efficient, more collaborative spaces. Bringing the right people closer together through practical office design makes collaboration and communication easie...