
Showing posts from January, 2018

Are Kid-Friendly Workplaces The Next Big Thing?

If there’s one aspect of life that puts the most pressure on company productivity as well as employees, it’s trying to balance families with the demands of the office. With the cost of childcare so high and people wanting to keep their careers on track while having kids, it’s no surprise that kid-friendly  workplaces  are starting to become a trend! This concept presents a unique way of bringing childcare and productivity together to help businesses and parents get ahead. Is there really a demand for family-friendly workplaces?  Yes! In fact, research by the US Department of Labor have shown that 62% of women who gave birth 12 months ago are working, and 90% of men said that paternity leave was a priority. Many additional studies have shown that workplaces that don’t offer paid parental leave suffer from lower employee retention, higher turnover costs and a lower ability to attract talent. Even more importantly, 30% of women with children who don’t work said that...

Why Workplace Wellbeing Is Important To Industry Leaders

For a long time, the phrase “work-life balance” has been a buzzword for businesses, but the reality is that, for many people, there is a distinct disconnect between the quality of like they experience at home and the one they get at work. After all, most employees work 40-60 hours a day in the  office , under fluorescent lighting, in range of unhealthy vending machine options, in front of a computer for hours at a time, and unaware of whether it’s day or night outside. After a day’s work, achieving that essential balance is almost impossible – finding the time or energy to exercise, shop for and prepare healthy foods, and spend quality time with our loved ones and hobbies. It’s this imbalance that makes achieving these goals almost impossible – and the distinction between home life and office life makes it exhausting to even think about! The answer, according to specialists, is that  workplaces  need to catch up in terms of quality of life – and industry leaders ...

Can Going Green Make Your Office More Productive?

Companies make the choice to go Green and reduce their environmental impact for a number of reasons, from their corporate vision and philosophy to cost-savings. But there’s one more important reason that is often overlooked –greener  workplaces can boost employee productivity . In fact, studies have shown that employees working in green-certified offices boast a 26% boost in cognition, and 30% fewer sickness related absences, and improved sleep quality. The right way to reduce your company’s environmental impact  As with anything, there is a right and a wrong way of going green. For example, if your company wants to improve its energy usage, the answer is not to turn down heating and cooling – this will likely result in unproductive and unhappy employees. The trick is to hit the sweet spot, ecologically-speaking, and this results in a positive change in your company’s direction and in employee happiness. Here’s how. Air quality:  Poor air quality is bad for th...

Office Design Trends That Are Taking Off In 2018!

The New Year is about fresh starts and embracing new innovations, and our  workplaces  are no exception! Here are some of the latest trends that are making splash in the world of office design this year. Unconventional workspaces:  There’s a strong global trend to think outside the rules and ideas of a traditional office and make spaces more creative, inspiring and functional. Casual meeting rooms, collaborative spaces and breakout areas are common, as are unique features like yoga spaces, wellness areas, outdoor spaces and snack bars. Dynamic spaces:  Office square footage is still at a premium in many parts of the country, so companies are increasingly thinking about how to use the space they have for multiple functions. With flexible furniture like  sit stand desks , hot desking and movable walls, employees have a wider range of working options – and companies don’t have space sitting idle. The home office space:  This encapsulates two trends –...