How The Right Corporate Office Furniture Increases Productivity

A chair is just a chair and a desk is just a desk, right? Wrong! In fact, your office furniture has a very real influence on: • How your workspace functions, and • On employee productivity, itself. Here’s how a change of furniture can make a real impact on your company’s bottom line. • Communication: Clear, easy communication is the lifeblood of a productive company: o It supports the sharing of ideas, and o The creative energy that is the hallmark of innovation. Hot-desks assist with collaboration; more casual open spaces promote brainstorming. • Comfort: Being uncomfortable at your desk is a sure way to sink your productivity. Ergonomic desks and chairs not only assist with feeling more comfortable while seated during work hours, but also promote good health – which means less sick days spent at the physiotherapist! • Variety: Everyone is different, so why give all your employees the exact same desk and chair combination? Offering a variety of options may sound expensive,...